Jackson Saves Local Businessman and Entrepreneur, Paul Flanigan

By: Miranda Torres
Paul Flanigan, 67, experienced a life-altering event when the plane he was piloting crashed on a golf course in Key Largo on March 1, 2024. He was airlifted to Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson South, which was just the beginning of his journey with Jackson Health System.
Flanigan, a well-respected local entrepreneur, has long been intertwined with the community, including a successful decade-long partnership with Flanigan’s Enterprises Inc., where he managed several of the beloved Flanigan’s Seafood Bar and Grill franchises. Later, he purchased Quarterdeck from Flanigan’s Enterprises, and established multiple locations across Florida.
Flanigan arrived at Ryder Trauma with severe fractures to his hip and knee area. He was cared for by Joyce Kaufman, MD, a critical care surgeon, and Marilyn Heng, MD, an orthopedic trauma surgeon. Dr. Heng operated on his hip. Two days later, Flanigan underwent surgery to address the fracture around his knee.
The plane crash came just four years after a bicycle accident caused Flanigan to break part of his pelvis, which triggered severe arthritis. The injuries he sustained during the plane crash caused his arthritis to accelerate, leaving him with discomfort and a limited range of motion. Flanigan eventually had a total hip replacement with Dr. Heng.
“Every step of the way during my time at Jackson, it seemed like there was help there instantaneously,” he said. “My previous crash meant I sort of knew what to expect, but I was grateful for how knowledgeable and friendly they were, especially since I didn’t know how long I would be there. I was blessed.”
Since his hip replacement, Flanigan has been receiving physical therapy to help him regain his total range of motion. He was non-weight bearing for the first 10 weeks of his rehabilitation, but is now getting back to the activities he loves most, like playing pickleball, chasing after his grandchildren, and dancing with his wife, Michelle.
“For his age, he’s fantastically active and very kind in terms of always being polite and good natured. His love of activity and function is of a much younger person,” Dr. Heng said.
While Flanigan’s recovery is well underway, another challenge awaits: a knee replacement surgery with Victor Hernandez, MD, an orthopedic surgeon with UHealth – University of Miami Health System. Flanigan remains optimistic and is eager to regain full mobility so he can focus on what matters most to him—his family.
“I could never thank the team at Jackson enough,” Flanigan said. “If I could, I’d share the blessings I receive at the conclusion of every mass: ‘May the almighty God bless you and keep you safe to love and serve others.’”